The Death of the West

The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Culture and Civilization is a 2001 book by paleoconservative commentator Patrick J. Buchanan.


Description of Book

The following description of the book appears on the back of the paperback edition:

The West is Dying. Collapsing birth rates in Europe and the United States, coupled with population explosions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are set to cause cataclysmic shifts in world power, as unchecked immigration swamps and polarizes every Western society and nation.

The Death of the West details how a civilization, culture, and moral order are passing away and foresees a new world order that has terrifying implications for our freedom, our faith, and the preeminence of American democracy.



Kirkus Reviews panned the book. The review called it "[s]hameless, embarrassing rantings" and also remarked that "[i]ittle attests to the moral health of this nation more than the fact that it’s made a mockery of Buchanan's presidential ambitions time and again." The review particularly criticized Buchanan's statement "Had it not been for the West, African rulers would still be trafficking in the flesh of their kinsmen" as example of dishonest historical revisionism.[1]


See also

External links